Regular Sunday Morning Class Schedule
For security purposes, ALL children ages Birth – 5th grade need to be checked in to the Kid Central desk at the top of the stairs before entering a classroom. No exceptions.
9:00 am – Bible Study for all ages: Main Nursery (birth – 3 years old), Kidmo (4 years through 5th grade)
10:30 am – Main Nursery (birth – 2 years old), Preschool (2-5 years old), Elementary 1st-5th Grade
4Cs4Kids Store (Sunday mornings)!
Earn 4cs4kids bucks by participating in Sunday School and doing activities! The store comes out every 2nd Sunday so you can spend your bucks on fun prizes! The best part? You get to learn more about Jesus and who he is while you earn!
4Cs4Kids Store Info