Community Events

Community Event Dates

See Community Life page for details <

Student Ministries
    • Last Summer Nights | August 6
Children's Ministries

See Children’s Page for upcoming events <

  • Join us on Wednesday Evenings for Popsicles on the Playground | 6:30 – 7:30 pm | Adult Supervised 
  • Summer of Missions | Sunday Mornings this Summer at 10:30 am





Mission Team Events Dates

See Missions Page for Details <

NAOMI SD Missions Trip – Date TBD

Women's Ministry Dates

See Women’s Page for details <

  • Tuesday Morning Women Gathering Together for Prayer, Conversation and lectio devina Reading of Scripture | Fellowship Hall | 10:00 am
  • Friday Early Morning Women’s Group | Youth Dining Room | Friday Mornings | 7:00 am 
Men's Ministries

See Men’s Page for details  <

  • Thursday Nights | 7:00 pm | via Zoom
  • Friday Mornings | Fellowship Center | 6:00 am 

What is Community Life at 4C’s?

Our hope at 4Cs is to build an environment where Christians of all stages can enter into transformational discipleship.

What is transformational discipleship?

For us it means that we want to see our community live with dedication to growing deeper in the calling of Christ, deeper into His community, and further in His Kingdom mission. Our faith journey is a lifelong process of learning to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as much as ourselves.

We never “graduate” from the school of Christian living. As we learn to apply and obey Christ’s teachings, our life will increasingly reflect our commitment to Christ. In other words, transformational discipleship is the result of a lifelong process. A real, radical change expressed in both our individual and our community life.

To support Christian growth in individuals and within the church, we believe that there are four essential elements that foster the transforming work of the Spirit:

  • God’s Word – Shaping our Actions and our lives

  • Relationships – Community nurturing and encouraging our growth

  • Obedient Living – Abiding in Christ as we hear his call to witness for his name

  • Worship – Interacting with and experiencing the presence of God

Community Life Groups

At 4C’s, we believe it is of the utmost importance that each of us has a place to be known and to know others. No matter how long you have been in our community, if you are looking for a point of connection where you can grow personally and spiritually, consider joining a Community Life Group (CLG) this season.

For more information or questions, please contact our Community Group Director, Rick Gilmore at Rick.Gilmore(a)4Cs.Church.

Community Life Group Leaders Resources

Small Group Studies: Contact the church if you are interested in any new area’s of study. We have a lot of resources available that our Community Life Groups can use!

Growing as a Small Group Leader: The book Leading Small Groups
with a Purpose is an excellent resource for anyone looking to facilitate a meaninful small groups. Copies of this book are available as a free resource to our Community Life Group leaders. Please connect with the church office if you would like a copy of this book.




Permanent Bible Studies and Prayer Opportunities



Prayer Opportunities – If you have prayer needs and would like an elder to pray with you privately, members of 4C’s Council of Elders will be up front near the stage after each service to pray with you on an as-needed basis.  We welcome and encourage your participation in taking our needs to the Father.  Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”  Also, a prayer team meets in the prayer and counseling room, just inside the south entrance between services (from 10:10-10:25) on Sunday mornings, led by Robin Millett.  

Pray 396 — Every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Worship Center.  All are welcome and encouraged to join us.  

Prayer Shawls We invite you to take the time to check out the prayer shawls located in the Family Room by the north entry.  If you or someone you know would benefit from having a prayer shawl for encourgement, please take one.  We ask that you fill out one of the cards in the black box on the wall which allows us to keep track of and pray for those who have received the shawls.  Thanks to everyone who has created these beautiful expressions of God’s covering in difficutl times.



Tuesday Morning Women’s Study – We meet every Tuesday morning from 10:00 – 11:30 am.  Questions?  Contact Clarene Shelley at Clarene.Shelley(a)4Cs.Church or call x135.    

Early Morning Women’s Group – We will be meeting every Friday morning from 7:00 – 8:00 am in the Youth Dining Room (enter via the north doors).  Questions?  Contact Michele at tmmrh(a)

4Cs Men’s Ministry (formerly Male Call) – Friday mornings at 6:00 am in the Fellowship Center – upper level (enter via the SOUTH doors) at the end of the hall.  Also, regularly scheduled Zoom meetings happen on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm.  Let us know if you want to be given login info.  

Adults Ages 40+ For the ’empty nesters’ in our community.  Join us as we enjoy the activities of life together.  We will go on tours, attend musicals, eat meals together, all in the name of being together in Christ.  ALL Adults are welcome to join in the diverse events and outings.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact the church office.