Roar! Kids Camp 2019

Kids Camp 2019 June 24-28 

This year at 4Cs4Kids Camp there were 132 children registered!!  We had 76 daily volunteers!!  Thank you, church and community, for your endless hours, the donations of food (yum!) and supplies, patience and love.  We couldn’t have done this week without you!!  Only 358 days til the next Kids Camp!!

Please visit the table in the Children’s Hallway by the Pre K/Kindergarten Classroom to look at our donation boards for Kids Camp. We need your help to make this adventure happen!

Please note we can no longer guarantee a t-shirt for volunteers or participants, the deadline has passed.  We are still accepting registrations/volunteers but any extra t-shirts we have will be given out by earliest date registered.


INVITE YOUR FRIENDS to join in the fun! Have them use a VIP Pass for half-price admission to camp!  ($17.50 value!) Just have your friend email or call Brittany or Paula for discount code to use when registering.

Questions? Brittany Romine (x124) [email protected] or

Paula DeViney (x131) [email protected]

Kids Camp Sunday Celebration & Luncheon Sunday, June 30

♥ Kids Camp Celebration during 1st hour there will be NO Sunday School but if your kiddo is 3 or 4 and needs a place to play they are welcome in the nursery or Children’s Bulletins will be available in back.  In addition, 2nd service there is no Elementary Sunday School.  We would like the elementary kiddos to sit with their parent(s) during the service.  We will still have preschool and pre K/Kindergarten classrooms open during 2nd service. Nursery will be open both hours and there will be kid bulletins in the back of the Worship Center. 

♥ Following 2nd service ALL members of the congregation are invited to join us in a lunch.  We are suggesting a $5 donation to help cover the cost of food and whatever else we receive over and above will go to Operation Kid-to-Kid.