Adult Sunday School Opportunities
Would you like to help run a course for people to meet Jesus? We’re putting together a team to run Alpha, a course that has been successfully introducing people to Jesus for decades . We need a team of people with many different skills: cooking, inviting, hosting, small group leading, and administrating. Our team would plan and prepare this fall for a launch sometime in early 2023. It’s usually 11 weekly sessions, each including a meal, a talk, and small group time where guests can share their opinions in a judgment-free setting. We will probably kick it off with a big dinner and end with a retreat. If you’re excited to see this happen, let’s find a way to get you involved! Please contact Scott Parr if you are interested in helping.
Help us love on our youth leaders so they can do what they do best; come along side our teenage students to live out their faith, deepen their walk with Jesus, and provide a safe, caring, FUN place to gather with friends.
Our youth volunteers meet here before programming begins to pray, grow, and work hard to give our youth the best programming possible. They arrange their personal schedules around youth group, some even leave work early to be here so we feel the least we can do is give them a meal so they can match the high energy evening with our students.
Youth leaders eat at 5:30 pm on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. So, if meals can be brought to the youth kitchen by 5:15 pm (or earlier, or in the youth freezer) that’s great. They love casseroles, crockpots full of chili or soup, it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Add in some salad and/or bread and it’s a meal! No need for drinks or dessert (unless you really want to 😊) and we have all the paper goods (cups, plates, napkins, silverware).
Fusion – Tuesday Nights – 9 leaders – no allergies
High Point – Wednesday Nights – 9 leaders – no allergies
Thank you to all who have provided meals in the past and to those of you who are considering helping out this time around! If you have any questions, please call or email [email protected].
Just click the link below to sign-up!
Sunday School and Kingdom Quest HELP! We need Sunday school elementary teachers and helpers for all classrooms during both services. We’re also looking for Kid Central helpers for each month during both services.
In addition, we need helpers for Kingdom Quest on Thursday evenings (Oct. 20, Nov. 3, 17 and Dec. 1) from 6 to 7:30-ish.
Please contact Brittany if you are interested in helping out in Children’s Ministry programming or have any questions.
- Find a Bible Study! We have studies on most days, including Sunday. (Find a study here)
- Common Grounds Coffee is always looking for volunteers to greet newcomers and make coffee. Common Grounds is a great outlet to serve our congregation and guests while learning practical hospitality and how to show your faith in a practical manner. If you want more information or are interested please contact Jack Oury or email our office for more information.
- Are you in need of Christ following community? Our Community Life Groups launch in the Fall and Winter. Contact Nathan Alley or our office for more information